PRINT Arlington Times Stilly tribe finally gets its reservation Associated Press Washington state releases student test results Extent of ‘psychiatric boarding’ problem unknown Bothell Reporter University of Washington Bothell gets…
Category: The Daily EClips
The Daily EClips
Tuesday, August 26
PRINT Associated Press Seattle Police release full report on SPU shooting Hunter hired by Washington state kills 1 wolf Special enrollment period for WA health exchange California quake warning system…
Monday, August 25
PRINT Associated Press Homeowners in wildfire country urged to take steps to trim risks Governor Inslee working quickly to ease mental health bed shortage Hot weather takes toll on Washington’s…
Friday, August 22
PRINT Aberdeen Daily World Hoquiam addiction clinic draws more than 100 patients Associated Press Spokane testing lab starting to certify marijuana Feds weigh moving grizzlies into Washington Mishaps prompt…
Thursday, August 21
PRINT Aberdeen Daily World Hospital district commissioners sworn in; first meeting Aug. 28 Twin Harbor jobless rates drop; Grays Harbor still among highest Associated Press Washington allowing sheep rancher to…