QUOTE OF THE DAY “This bill simply allows all children in college to be treated the same….It is not a giveaway, but an opportunity to compete.” — Rep. Zack Hudgins…
Category: The Daily EClips
The Daily EClips
Monday, January 13
Quote of the Day “My target is those middle-income families who don’t qualify for the State Need Grant, and for them, tuition costs are continuing to rise and they are…
Friday, January 10
PRINT Associated Press Contract for engaged gay worker at Catholic school Court: Lawmakers must expedite education funding (Frockt) State Liquor Board Seeking Formal Opinion On Whether Pot Moratoriums Are…
Thursday, January 9
PRINT Associated Press State: Rockford finalist for Boeing assembly plant Clearing a path for stuck Seattle tunnel machine Republicans on climate panel want more time (Ranker) Bentley: Boeing used…
Wednesday, January 8
PRINT Aberdeen Daily World Local legislators head to Olympia (Hargrove, Hatfield, Takko, Blake, Van De Wege, Tharinger) Associated Press Wash. state faces prospect of too many pot growers Gov’t…