Watch Rep. Tina Orwall (D-Des Moines) respond to constituent emails on what she and her colleagues are doing to ensure Washington’s most vulnerable people get the help they need, and…
Category: Tina Orwall
Rep. Orwall’s e-newsletter for February 6, 2015
The Case for Universal Pre-K Investing in high quality early learning is not only a great for kids, but it’s good for taxpayers too. Emily Badger of the Washington Post…
Rep. Orwall’s e-newsletter for January 30, 2015
Washington National Guard Day Today we recognized the Washington National Guard on the House Floor with a National Guard Resolution. We also received a briefing on the National Guard. Governor…
Ask Tina 1: Legal Financial Obligations & the Ag-gag bill
Rep. Tina Orwall responds to constituent emails on House Bill 1390, Legal Financial Obligations, and House Bill 1104, the Ag-gag bill.
The Columbian Editorial: Raise Smoking Age to 21
Washington should be first state in U.S. to take further step to promote health Published: January 27, 2015, 6:01 AM One of the strongest arguments in favor of raising the…