Legislative update: Working for everyday Washingtonians

Dear friends & neighbors
We just wrapped our fourth week of session. My colleagues and I remain busy working to develop good policy and enact legislation to benefit everyday Washingtonians. This means increasing transparency in the health care industry, improving access to mental healthcare, and making sure more people in Washington are prepared to retire with dignity. Here are some of the bills accomplishing these goals.  

HB 1686– My bill will establish a healthcare registry to give consumers a clearer picture of how the health care industry works in Washington state. This registry will provide information like which corporations employ providers and where caregivers offer services. This legislation will improve how the legislature implements health policy, how we receive care and over time reduce costs.  

HB 1432– This bill will grant more patients access to mental healthcare services by making important updates to Washington’s Mental Health Parity Act from 2007. Under this legislation insurance providers will have to modify their utilization and clinical review processes so more treatments are available to patients. It also goes the Insurance Commissioner the ability to impose penalties on insurers who are not acting in coordination with the new rules.  

HB 1270– I’m happy to sponsor this legislation which allow more public employees to better prepare for retirement. By allowing public employers to auto-enroll new-hires into deferred compensation, they will see greater returns on their supplemental retirement package over time.  This is the equivalent to what private sector employees would see with their 401k when starting a new job or career.   


Help with understanding Medicare 

Enrolling in Medicare and deciding on Medicare Advantage, parts A and B, or supplemental insurance can be overwhelming. However, help is always available if you have issues with your coverage or are confused about the process. Please reach out the Office of the Insurance Commissioner to make sure you’re finding a plan that suits you. The Medicare open enrollment period is October 15-December 7. The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period is from January 1-March 31.   


As always, it’s an honor serving you in Olympia and my door is always open.  

 In Solidarity, 

Rep. Dan Bronoske
State Representative, 28th Legislative District