Have a great summer & stay in touch!

Dear friends and neighbors,

Each election year, there are certain restrictions on legislator communications to prevent the use of state resources for election purposes. These restrictions include a freeze on my e-newsletters, legislative Facebook account, and legislative webpage — meaning these pages cannot be updated beginning May 16, 2022, until after the general election is certified in November.

Even though I won’t be able to add anything new for awhile, you’ll still find loads of information on my website, including my recent e-newsletters, mailers & podcasts, videos, and more!

Despite these restrictions, I’ll still be actively involved in a number of important projects this interim, like the ongoing work of the Children & Youth Behavioral Health Work Group. I’ll also continue meeting with our cities and housing partners to find solutions to the worsening crisis around affordable, accessible housing.

And of course, I’m always here to help! Please continue to reach out to me or my office directly by clicking here or calling (425) 651-2341 if there’s anything I can do to assist you or your family.

I hope you have a happy, healthy summer. Stay in touch!

Rep. Lisa Callan