Standing up for our youth

This summer and fall were difficult for the communities of our region. We owe it to our youth to give them the support they need to thrive. Drug use and suicide prevention work has always been needed, but the magnitude of the issues facing our youth and the rise of behavioral and substance use challenges are growing. It is time for us to stand united to do more. Click the video linked in the picture below to learn about my priorities for helping kids.

Rep. Lisa Callan: Supporting Our Kids so They Can Thrive (Video)

With today’s start of the 2020 Legislative session, I will be working to give our families and youth the supports they need to navigate the challenges they face.

As always, please contact me if you have any thoughts, ideas, or concerns. This is an important issue and I want your thoughts on how to ensure our kids are taken care of.

Thank you,

Rep. Lisa Callan
(360) 786-7876