I am honored to serve you


Last Monday, I had the honor of being sworn in as one of the state representatives from the 5th Legislative District. I take the job you have given in me seriously. I answer to you, so I want to make sure to keep you updated on my priorities here in Olympia, and hear from you about your concerns or ideas.

What I am working on

To begin with, I am serving on the Capital Budget, the Education, and the Human Services & Early Learning committees. My appointment to these committees puts me in a strong position to advocate for you and your needs.

One of my primary concerns is with the state of our school system. Education is one of the smartest investments we can make as a state. We must invest in an education system that equitably supports each and every child, and gives them their best opportunity for a successful future. We owe it to our children and to ourselves. Ensuring our children are provided with the resources they need to succeed also means supporting them from birth to career.

Another issue facing eastern and southern King county is traffic congestion. We face this frustration every day in King County. In addition to the headache traffic causes, it is a public safety issue. That is why I am going to push to finish the State Highway 18 and Interstate 90 interchange as quickly as possible. I will also be working for more funding for further lane expansion on Highway 18 and Highway 169.

We are all also painfully aware of the housing crisis King County is facing. At the legislature, I am working to address this problem. I will be fighting to lower property taxes and create more affordable housing. The Capital Budget helps fund many affordable housing projects, my position on this important committee will allow me to fight for many of the resources we need to tackle the housing crisis.

Tell me your thoughts

I am honored that you placed your trust with me to be your voice in Olympia. Your feedback is important to me. Here is a constituent feed back form, I want to hear what you have to say.

As always, thank you for taking the time to be part of this conversation. You can contact me, or my Legislative Assistant Zach Hall, at Lisa.Callan@leg.wa.govĀ or 360-786-7876. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Thank you,




Rep. Lisa Callan