E-News from Olympia

Friends and neighbors,

As we transition into the new year, I’m eager and excited to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure our neighbors, businesses, and communities have what they need to fully recover. Your ability to thrive is my priority this year. On Friday, I was sworn into my second term as your state representative, and I’m so honored to continue serving you, the 5th LD, and Washington State.

While the past year has been a trying – and for too many of us, a tragic – time, the roll-out of the vaccine gives us hope that brighter days are ahead. Until then this pandemic is still dangerous and a threat to our public health. So please keep socially distancing, limiting your gathering, washing your hands, and wearing those masks!

What to expect this session

With COVID-19 still actively spreading throughout the state, the Legislature has taken precautions to keep the public, lawmakers, and staff safe. For the first time ever, the Washington State House of Representatives will conduct its business remotely. While this may slow down the pace of the Legislature, it also means more opportunities for public engagement and participation.

Committee testimony will now be done virtually, and every committee will be accepting written testimony. Now, instead of driving to Olympia to weigh in on legislation during the committee process, all you have to do is log on to your computer. All committee meetings, floor debates, and other public events will be broadcast live and recorded for later viewing at tvw.org. You can now participate from the comfort of your own living room.

Here are some of the ways you can continue to stay involved with the legislative process this year:

  • Watch – Visit org to view broadcasts of all the debates and votes that happen in the House and Senate, along with committee meetings and other events you may be interested in.
  • Research — Click hereto look up legislation by lawmaker or by topic.
  • Learn — Click here to learn all about the legislative process, from start to finish.
  • Testify — Click here for an overview of the process to testify. Written testimony is also an option, and you can always share your story with me.
  • Stay informed — Sign up for my legislative e-newsletter here. You can add your email address at the bottom of the page.
  • Get in touch — You can reach my office by telephone at (425) 651-2341 or email at Lisa.Callan@leg.wa.gov. To schedule a virtual meeting, please contact my Legislative Assistant, Zach Hall, at Zach.Hall@leg.wa.gov.

In order for us to make these changes and conduct our business remotely, the Legislature convened in-person today, for one day only, to adopt our new rules. We did our best to convene in a safe manner, and we followed all DOH public health guidelines.

My committee assignments

After each election, the Legislature takes time to reevaluate and reimagine its committee structure. This biennium is no different. I will continue to serve as the vice chair of the Capital Budget Committee and as a member of the Education Committee. Last biennium, I served on the Human Services & Early Learning Committee, which has now been split into two focused groups – the Children, Youth & Families Committee and the Housing, Human Services & Veterans Committee. I’m thrilled to be joining the new Children, Youth & Families Committee.

The Capital Budget Committee is responsible for crafting the state’s capital budget, which approves funding for the construction and repair of public buildings and other long-term investments that benefit the entire state. I’m eager to see how we can use this budget as an economic stimulus to support our state’s pandemic recovery.

The new Children, Youth & Families Committee has jurisdiction over the Department of Children, Youth & Families and engages in policy related to the foster care system, early learning system, and more. I look forward to ensure every child, youth, and family have what they need to be healthy and thrive.

The Education Committee is responsible for all legislation related to K-12 education in Washington State where I will continue my pursuit to ensure that every child is given the supports and opportunities they need to learn and grow.

What I’ve been up to lately

The Legislature has been out of session since March 11, but I have still been hard at work. Lawmakers use this interim period to check in with constituents, work on new legislation, and participate in work groups and task forces that lead to future legislation.

Here are some of the things I’ve been up to this interim:

  • I chaired the bipartisan Children & Youth Behavioral Health Work Group, made up of legislators and advocates for youth from all across the state.
  • I chaired the bipartisan Improving Institutional Education Programs and Outcomes Task Force, made up of legislators, agency leaders, and advocates for youth from all across the state.
  • Along with my seatmates, I helped hundreds of constituents connect with Employment Security Department claim agents to resolve their unemployment claims.
  • I met frequently with local cities and school districts to offer support and learn what they needed from the state to navigate the pandemic, advocating for their policy and funding needs with government leaders and agencies.
  • I met frequently with local chambers of commerce to share resources, to listen to the impacts of the pandemic on their businesses and their livelihoods, advocating for their relief and recovery needs at the state level, and connecting them with other leaders in government.

I will continue to carry the needs and priorities you brought forward into this legislative session, and I think the many constituents, groups, and agencies who are working so hard to meet the needs of our neighbors in this unprecedented time.

Washington’s new vaccine distribution timeline

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recently announced its new timeline for vaccine distribution. The push to get vaccines to frontline workers and vulnerable populations helped fill a huge need. Now, I’m eager to see the vaccine get out far and wide. This timeline lays out how they’re planning to accomplish the task. Along with federal guidance and in partnership with the governor’s office, this is the product of input from nearly 20,000 state residents.

You can check your eligibility by taking a short survey at findyourphasewa.org. Also, visit this DOH page for helpful information and videos that detail everything else you might want to know about the vaccines.

COVID-19 resources and support

Finding additional resources for families and businesses who have been impacted by COVID-19 will a key legislative priority this session. If you or someone you know could use support, please take a look at some of the resources below. Always feel free to get in touch with us if you would like help to find the right resource for you or a loved one.

Statewide resources

Local resources

Additional resources