Legislative update: Expanding access to early learning and available grants

Dear friends & neighbors, 

We just completed week 3 of session and bills are moving through their committees and waiting to be heard on the floor. I had my 2nd bill hearing so far this session and filed two more education related bills this week. 

Expanding access to early childhood education

House Education committee – Dec. 10, 2024

Quality, affordable early childhood education better prepares students to enter the K-12 system and allows more parents to re-enter the workforce. Washington currently lacks the available space to meet current demands. This is why I introduced HB 1314, which makes it easier to build early learning facilitiesWe’ve got a long way to go to get up to speed here but this bill is an important first step.  


Grants you may care about

Childcare grants for children with complex needs 

If you are involved with an early learning facility specializing in helping students with complex needs, the Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) grants are available to support your work. Applications for these grants will be opening soon so check out the DCYF website and keep yourself informed!  

Salmon recovery grants 

The Department of Commerce has grants available to aid in salmon recovery for cities and counties both fully and partially planning under the Growth Management Act, and federally recognized tribes in the Puget Sound. A pre-application workshop is taking place on Tuesday February 11, from 10:30 am until 12:00 pm. The deadline to apply is 4 pm Monday, March 31.


As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out. My office door is always open.  


In service, 

Callan Signature

State Representative Lisa Callan
5th Legislative District