Washington State’s Green New Deal | April 22, 2019
The 2019 regular legislative session wraps up on Sunday. While we have a long week ahead in passing budgets and acting on bills that were not subject to cutoff, I…
House passes Doglio companion bill to protect kids and Orcas from harmful chemicals | April 15, 2019
The children of our state and our iconic southern resident orcas face a common threat: toxic chemicals in consumer products used in our homes, schools, and workplaces. Everyday products like…
Rep. Doglio’s energy efficiency in buildings proposal one step closer to law | April 15, 2019
Legislation to reign in greenhouse gas emissions from the build environment continues moving through the legislature with today’s Senate passage of House Bill 1257 by Rep. Beth Doglio, D-Olympia. The…
LEGISLATIVE NEWS: Rep. Doglio’s Energy-Efficient Buildings proposal passes House | March 29, 2019
Buildings are the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, and the second largest source overall in Washington state—jumping by 50 percent since 1990, compared to 10 percent in total…
Statement by Reps. Beth Doglio, Laurie Dolan, and Sen. Sam Hunt on New Zealand attack | March 16, 2019
We are deeply saddened by the events that took place in Christchurch, New Zealand yesterday and holding families who have lost loved ones in our hearts. We are outraged that…