Thank you for a wonderful town hall and an update on my legislation.

Friends and neighbors, 

I wanted to extend my gratitude for and interesting and engaging town hall at the Snohomish Library last Saturday. As usual, the conversation was lively, and we covered several topics including: 

  • Housing. 
  • Consumer protection issues. 
  • Treatment programs for substance use challenges. 

My legislation that is still alive. 

I also wanted to give you an update about the bills that I have sponsored which are still working their way through the legislative process. 

House Bill 1728 creates a statewide resiliency program that empowers the Military Department to create a disaster resilience program that fills in the gaps that other programs don’t address. We live in a unique area. A catastrophic disaster isn’t a matter of if but when it will happen. We need to be prepared. This was voted out of the Senate State Government Committee on Friday. 

House Bill 1277 which improves the course of study paraeducators receive from school districts. It is awaiting a vote on the Senate Floor. 

I also have two bills that passed the Senate Housing Committee on Wednesday. 

House Bill 1367, eliminates an audit for an account that doesn’t exist anymore. 

House Bill 1771, which lowers barriers for relocation assistance for owners of mobile homes who are forced to move. 

Listening to our youth to leave them with a world that supports their needs. 

This year I have hosted three pages, Steven Benson, Andrew Djaja, and Annabelle Middendorf. Every time I talk with a student who is engaging with their government, I reflect on my job here in the legislature. It is incredibly important that we listen to our youth and leave them with a world that meets their needs. We must consider their everyday struggles and anticipate needs that may arise. I recently recorded a video on this. 

I look forward to the rest of session and continuing to engage with constituent, including our youth, as the year progresses. 

Thank you, 

Rep. Brandy Donaghy