Let’s Get To Work!

Dear friends,

Greetings from Olympia! I’m extremely honored to help represent our 27th Legislative District in the state capital. Last Tuesday, I had the privilege of being sworn in next to many great colleagues in the House of Representatives.

It’s the second week here and we’ve been busy with bill introductions and hearings in committees. I’m proud to serve as a vice chair of the House Transportation Committee, and as a member of the House Capital Budget Committee as well as the House Environment Committee.

Please know that you are always very welcome and encouraged to come see the Legislature in action! I also look forward to reading and hearing your comments throughout this session. I will certainly do my best to keep you posted with legislative reports in regular video updates and frequent e-memos such as the one you’re reading here. I’m sure you’ve read or heard that our colleagues over in the Senate aren’t getting along, shall we say, as collegially as we are here in the House of Representatives. It remains to be seen, of course, what sort of system they will finally establish to make their chamber work. I’m staying confident that we representatives will keep our eyes on why we were sent here in the first place. I’m looking forward to working hand in hand with my colleagues, partners, and — most importantly — those I represent, to help improve the living and working conditions in Tacoma-Pierce County as well as work toward one Washington with opportunity for all.

Again, thank you for the your support as I represent our Tacoma and Pierce County neighborhoods here at the capital. Please stay in touch with me, and stay active in your state government process. Now, let’s get to work!


Rep. Jake Fey

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