Statement by Rep. Jake Fey on the Connecting Washington 2013 transportation package

The “Connecting Washington” transportation package, advanced by transportation leaders in the House Democratic Caucus, was rolled out today (Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013). The package would fund nearly $10 billion in transportation projects in many Washington communities. State Rep. Jake Fey, D-Tacoma (27th Legislative District), is a vice chair of the House Transportation Committee. Fey offered these additional comments in supporting the Connecting Washington legislation:
“Our 2013 transportation proposal is crucial for citizens and their communities all across Washington, certainly very much including our own Tacoma and Pierce County families and businesses. The Port of Tacoma is integral to the economy of Pierce County, as well as trade with Asia and Alaska. It is fundamental that we continue working toward stronger freight-mobility. Further, the completion of SR 167 means that many thousands of Tacoma commuters, at long last, will suffer fewer hours trapped in gridlock.”

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