27th LD Update: The 2025 Legislative Session is underway, transportation budget priorities

Dear Friends and Neighbors,   

The 2025 Legislative Session got underway on Monday, January 13.  This is a long session year lasting 105 days. During this session we will pass our biennial operating, capital, and transportation budgets. This will require some difficult decision-making, but we are working together to find solutions that work for all Washingtonians. I am proud to continue my work as Chair of the House Transportation Committee, as well as serving as a member on the Environment and Energy Committee. 

Transportation budget priorities  

We are at a critical juncture in Washington State, with considerable changes ahead. The transition to a new Governor, Bob Ferguson, new Senate leadership, and major turnover in both the House and Senate present opportunities and challenges for us all.  

Critically, the transportation budget faces a significant shortfall that must be addressed. A primary concern is our revenue system, particularly the declining revenues from gas taxes. We are also facing cost challenges such as projects that are burdened by inflation of more than 30% on construction materials, for example. I am collaborating with House and Senate colleagues to identify revenue solutions that support both the Operating and Transportation budgets. This includes exploring opportunities to enhance existing revenue sources and developing new revenue streams for transportation. 

The video below explains some of the other challenges we’ll be facing over the next couple of months and how my colleagues and I are approaching the problem. 

How To Get Involved 

I encourage you to get involved in this year’s session and consider testifying on bills that are important to you. Now, it’s easier than ever to follow along with my work and the work of the entire Legislature, and to find a way to participate that works for you. 

Stay in touch 

I’d love to hear from you on issues that are important to you. Please reach out to my office at any time. My executive legislative assistant is Noelle Kappert and it is her friendly voice you first hear when you call my office. She is also normally your first point of contact when you try to reach me by email. You can also stay up to date with my activities during session through my e-newsletter updates and my legislative Facebook page.  I look forward to hearing from you. 


Rep. Fey signature

Rep. Jake Fey