Thank you for contacting me this session to advocate for firearm-related legislation.
Like many of you, I am deeply concerned about gun violence. No one should have to fear being shot at school, at their place of worship, at a shopping center, at a movie theater, or at any of the countless places where innocent lives have been lost due to gun violence. Recent mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio join the unacceptably long list of similar incidents: Las Vegas, Orlando, even Marysville-Pilchuck High School right here in Washington state. One of the best ways to help prevent gun violence is to keep firearms out of the hands of those who are determined to use them to kill themselves or others. The 2019 session was one of our most productive in terms of action taken to keep our communities safer.
I have received hundreds of calls and e-mails about the bills listed below. Here is an update on the outcome of many of the 2019 bills that you and others have asked me to support. While several firearms-related measures did clear the Legislature in 2019, others did not get out of committee or did not make it to the House floor for a vote.
Bills that passed
- HB 1225 – Establishing policies and requirements regarding law enforcement response to domestic violence incidents to enhance the safety of domestic violence victims, families, and officers. This bill made it through the legislative process this year and ensures that law enforcement agencies remove firearms from premises where there is a high risk they will be used violently subsequent to a domestic violence incident. I voted “yes” for this bill on the House floor.
- HB 1465 – Concerning requirements for pistol sales or transfers – Passed the legislature with my support and “yes” vote. This bill was necessary because of a rollback in firearm safety policy by the Trump administration. By passing this law, we ensure that all who acquire pistols in Washington have passed a background check.
Bills that didn’t make it this time
- HB 1315 / SB 5174 – Concerning concealed pistol license training requirements –This bill did not make it to the House or Senate Floor for a vote; however, I support the policy of requiring concealed pistol license holders receive firearms safety training.
- HB 1068 / SB 5062 – Concerning high capacity magazines – This bill did not pass out of the House nor the Senate this year, so I did not have an opportunity to vote on it. I support this measure as a long-overdue step to reduce the risk of the devastating mass shootings that have impacted so many communities across the nation.
- HB 1530 / SB 5434 – Restricting possession of weapons in certain locations – The Senate version of the bill passed that chamber; however, it did not make it to the House Floor. I support this measure to restrict firearm possession at child care centers.
- HB 1286 / SB 5340 – Banning the sale of assault weapons and large capacity magazines – Neither bill passed out of committee. I support this bill to remove these weapons of war from our streets.
- HB 2103 – Simplifying firearms regulations – This bill did not get a hearing in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee, so I did not have an opportunity to vote on this bill, as I do not serve on this committee.
Again, thank you for your message. I value your input and hope you will continue to share your views with me.
Joe Fitzgibbon
State Representative
34th District