Rep. Greg Nance elected WA House Democratic Caucus Assistant Whip

OLYMPIA—The House Democratic Caucus elected freshman lawmaker Rep. Greg Nance (D-23rd District) as Assistant Whip by a majority vote on Thursday, January 18. He was nominated by his seatmate, Rep. Tarra Simmons (D-Kitsap).  

“I’m honored to serve as Assistant Whip for the House Democrats,” said Rep. Nance. “The best surprise joining the caucus is seeing the strong teamwork and how we work together to deliver for our neighbors. I look forward to building strong relationships and working with my colleagues to uphold Democratic values and priorities.” 

As an assistant whip, he will work with members of his caucus to understand their positions on major issues and keep leadership aware of those positions.    

The newest member of the caucus, Nance has introduced several bills this session, with a focus on supporting Washington’s working families and young people across the state. He is the sponsor of HB 2111 Working Connections Child Care that clarifies provisions helping low- and moderate-income people access childcare that was unanimously passed out of the House Human Services, Youth & Early Learning Committee on January 12. 

Another bill, HB 2112, is scheduled for executive session in the House Postsecondary Education Committee on January 23. The bill provides for fentanyl and opiate prevention education for college students and requires schools to make fentanyl strips and Naloxone readily accessible by students and staff to prevent overdoses.  

“One pill can kill,” Rep. Nance said. “Fentanyl is so potent and often people don’t even realize they’re taking it. Raising awareness on the dangers of fentanyl poisoning is the first step but we need an all-hands-on-deck approach to turn the tide and protect Washington’s youth.” 
