Fix our Ferries Townhall this weekend

Dear friends and neighbors,  

We are more than a quarter of the way through the 2024 legislative session. The last few weeks have flown by with each day bringing new surprises and learning opportunities. Last week ended on a high note when I was elected as the House Democratic Caucus Assistant Whip. The best surprise joining the caucus is seeing the strong teamwork and how we work together to deliver for our neighbors.   

We need your help at a Fix Our Ferries Town Hall this weekend! 

Click here to let us know which town hall you’ll be attending! 

It’s no secret that our ferry system is broken. I’ve been listening to your stories and talking to ferry riders, WSF workers, and elected officials since I was sworn into office to identify root causes and explore potential solutions. I’d love to see you at one of the Fix Our Ferries town halls I’m hosting this weekend (Kingston and Bainbridge) to understand how ferry delays impact you. I’ll also share a Roadmap to Fix our Ferries that I’ve been working on with House Transportation Committee colleagues. You’ll also have a chance to sign-on in support to show state leaders how ferry disruptions impact our community and why we must invest in transparent, accountable leadership.  

Together, we can fix our ferries. Hope to see you there! 

You can stay up-to-date with the latest news by following my Facebook page.