First bill from Rep. Greg Nance passes House floor

OLYMPIA—Working parents across Washington are facing a shortage of affordable, available childcare that is making it tough for moms and dads with babies and toddlers to stay in the workforce.  

Today the Washington House of Representatives unanimously passed House Bill 2111 (Working Connections Child Care), introduced by Rep. Greg Nance (D-Kitsap) that clarifies provisions helping low- and moderate-income people access childcare. 

“I hear from working families across Kitsap that the childcare they need just isn’t there, or it’s way too expensive,” said Rep. Nance. “Back home in Kitsap, and across the state, we see the same challenge: working moms and dads can’t work without affordable, accessible childcare.” 

“Clarifying the requirements for eligible families to access Working Connections Childcare will allow parents to get back to work with peace of mind knowing that their kids are in safe hands,” Nance explained. 

The bill also includes clarification around eligibility requirements for student parents at accredited education institutions or apprenticeship programs.  

“We have parents who are paying more in childcare than they pay in tuition,” Rep. Nance said. “This support is crucial to parents who are pursuing an education, often holding down a job at the same time to provide for their family. Let’s help our working, learning moms and dads pursue their dreams and make childcare one less thing they have to worry about.” 
