As Seen on TV(W)

  We’re fortunate here in Washington to have almost universal access to TVW, often described as our state’s version of C-SPAN.  TVW offers wall-to-wall coverage of the Legislature, and produces… READ MORE

3rd LD lawmakers to host telephone town hall

Who: Senator Andy Billig and Representatives Timm Ormsby and Marcus Riccelli (Spokane) What: Telephone town hall When: 6:15 – 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, January 22 Spokane residents should receive a call… READ MORE

Legislators announce mobile office

Spokane’s 3rd District legislative team is excited to announce the creation of their mobile office this fall at various locations around the district. The mobile office is open to the… READ MORE

Ormsby bill targets unscrupulous contractors

House Bill 1701 sets up level playing field for ethical general contractors competing in tightly-squeezed construction industry OLYMPIA – Lawmakers in the state House of Representatives approved legislation Friday night… READ MORE