House passes Orwall’s troubled youth legislation

This afternoon, on a 90-8 vote, the Washington State House of Representatives passed a measure that would increase the capacity for school districts to recognize and respond to troubled youth. 

“This bill will give our schools basic skills and tools to identify early signs of troubled students and make sure they get referred for help,” said Rep. Tina Orwall  (D-Des Moines) the bill’s prime sponsor, who authored another suicide prevention measure last year. “This bill will ensure that our schools have detailed crisis plans along with partnerships with agencies so they can intervene and help troubled students before it’s too late.” 

House Bill 1336 requires certified school nurses, school social workers, and school counselors to complete training in youth suicide screening and referral as a condition of their certification. 

The bill also contains several requirements for schools – for example, it would require that school districts adopt a plan for recognition, initial screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students, including indicators of possible substance abuse, violence, and youth suicide.  School districts must develop a formal partnership with a local mental health center to improve access to screening and treatment services. 

“This bill would create a proactive way to get to troubled students before they drop out of school or hurt themselves and others,” said Rep. Cathy Dahlquist (R-Enumclaw). “We want to detach the stigma associated with students who are going through a rough time. Training staff that work with our students daily to detect and intervene when a student is exhibiting signs of substance abuse, depression or violence is one step we can take to make our better learning environments.” 

“This bill will save lives. We know that every week we lose two young adults between the ages of 14 to 24 to suicide. But suicide is very preventable if we have the tools in our schools and the partnerships in place to keep our kids safe,” Orwall added. 

Testimony given at the bill’s hearing in the Education Committee in early February was very moving. Survivors of suicide and family members of suicide victims, including Kurt Cobain’s aunt, Mary Earl, stressed the need for Orwall’s legislation. Video of the hearing is available in TVW here

HB 1336 now heads to the Senate for further consideration. 

Orwall’s 33rd Legislative District includes Normandy Park, Des Moines and parts of Kent, Burien, SeaTac and Renton