Orwall continues bringing help and hope to victims of human trafficking

Yesterday, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a measure sponsored by state Rep. Tina Orwall to build on the progress made last year in the fight against human trafficking.

“Unfortunately, SeaTac and surrounding areas have one of the highest rates of child trafficking in the United States, so our region has been greatly impacted,” said the Des Moines Democrat. “My bill will give law enforcement the tools they need to combat the commercial sex industry and help these young victims out of this horrific industry so they can rebuild their lives.”

Orwall’s measure, House Bill 1291, would direct fees from impounded vehicles involved in prostitution-related offenses to local governments. These funds would go toward reducing the commercial sale of sex through more enforcement and rehabilitation services for the victims. 

“The commercial sex industry can happen under many circumstances. Once people, especially young adults and children, find themselves in this situation it can be nearly impossible to get out. As a state, if we can create protections for victims, while seeking accountability for human traffickers and others that perpetuate this crime, we can give victims their lives back,” said Rep. Linda Kochmar, R-Federal Way, one of the bill’s cosponsors. “I’m proud of the work we have done because it will help our communities and citizens have safer, healthier lives.”

HB 1291 is one of two anti-human trafficking measures authored by Orwall this session. If they are signed by Governor Jay Inslee, they will be added to the 28 existing Washington laws against human trafficking, modern-day slavery and sexual exploitation of children.

Watch floor remarks by Reps. Orwall and Kochmar:
