This morning, Rep. Tina Orwall was selected Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore-designate by her fellow Democratic Caucus.
“It’s an honor to once again have the opportunity to serve in this capacity,” said the Des Moines Democrat, who was first invited to preside over the House on her first year serving the 33rd Legislative District in Olympia. “The six years that I have had the privilege of carrying out these duties have helped me emphasize the value of civil and respectful dialogue to make sure every voice is heard.”
The Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore presides over sessions of the House as needed when the Speaker Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House are unable to do so.
As active Speaker, Orwall will be tasked with keeping the process flowing smoothly when lawmakers are debating proposals on the floor.
As required by House rules, Orwall will be officially confirmed by the full House of Representatives on Monday, January 12, the first day of the 2015 Legislative Session.