Rent Stabilization – The Plan For 2024

Dear neighbors, Sky rocketing rents have a devastating effect on communities. I talk to so many renters who are drowning in rising costs, barely keeping their heads above water. Last… READ MORE

It’s Time to Act on Rent Stabilization

Friends and neighbors, Last year, we made a push for rent stabilization to protect tenants from drastic and unsustainable rent increases. I was disappointed that rent stabilization fell short. Since… READ MORE

The Road to Ferry Reliability

Dear neighbors, As summer comes to an end, I have been out in our community listening to you on issues such as ferry reliability, rent stabilization, and addressing the climate… READ MORE

Upcoming refinery worker safety meetings

Friends and neighbors, Many of us remember the tragic incidents at an Anacortes petroleum refinery in 1998 that resulted in the death of six employees, and another devastating incident in… READ MORE