Telephone Town Hall Recap and Investing in Workforce Education


Last Tuesday, Rep. Lisa Callan and I hosted a telephone town hall. In all, over 1,000 of our constituents joined the call to ask questions. Lisa and I both believe that taking the time to listen to the concerns of our neighbors is vital to being an effective and responsive legislator. To everyone who joined, thank you.

We covered topics like low-income property tax exemptions, traffic infrastructure development along I-90 and Highway 18, and making certain property tax refunds easier to navigate. If you weren’t able to make it, the recording is linked to the image below. You can listen at any time.

The Workforce Education Investment Act: Jobs and Opportunities for Washington Students

It’s also budget season in Olympia. One particularly exciting part of the House Democrats proposed budget the Washington Workforce Education Investment Act.

This proposal includes significant investments in financial aid and workforce education for Washington students. This act renames the State Need Grant as the Washington College Grant and dramatically expands the program by adding $230 million to fully fund and increase eligibility. It also allocates over $100 million to invest in services that connect students with degrees, certificates, and apprenticeships. Our kids need access to a variety of educational opportunities that will open the door to well-paid, highly skilled jobs.

Some business leaders from these sectors, such as the president of Microsoft, Brad Smith, support and endorse this proposal as a way to develop a skilled work force for high-demand and high-wage jobs. I am particularly interested in the proposal because it gives kids in our communities the opportunity to pursue better, high-paying jobs.

I am interested in hearing what you have to say about it this proposal or any other legislation we are considering. As always, feel free to email me at, or call me at (360) 786-7852.


Thank you,




Rep. Bill Ramos