Legislative Update: Highway 18 funding and simplifying property tax refunds.

Friends and neighbors,

It was an honor and a pleasure serving as your representative this legislative session. I served on the Transportation, the College and Workforce Development, and the Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources committees where I worked to prioritize the needs of eastern and southern King County. ​I would like to share with you some legislative successes we had this session.

Those include:

  • Securing funding for the initial design of lane expansion of Highway 18 from Hobart Road to I-90.
  • Simplifying the property tax refund process.
  • Allowing our conservation district to cooperate with each other.
  • Requiring labeling for compostable materials to reduce our landfill needs and for the ease of the consumer.
  • Removing redundant requirements for our local governments to report road conditions.
  • Defeating an attempt to exempt Cedar Grove Composting from nuisance lawsuits.

Legislative Video Update (Click on the picture).

I recorded this video during the last week of the legislative session.

Thank you for being involved in the community and engaged in the legislative process. It is an honor and a privilege to represent you and to fight for your needs in Olympia. I will be back home this interim and am looking forward to seeing you.

In the near future, expect another update from me about the other pieces of key legislation that we passed in the House this legislative session.

You can contact me at bill.ramos@leg.wa.gov or by calling (425) 654-5947. You can also find more information at housedemocrats.wa.gov/ramos. I look forward to seeing you this summer.

Thank you,




Rep. Bill Ramos