Reeves introduces “Wounded Warrior” bill to expand access to shared leave for service members

OLYMPIA – For current uniformed service members employed by the state, the Uniformed Services Shared Leave pool offers needed stability to service members who are deployed overseas in service to their country and allows them to be able to keep their state employment.

However, if you are a new employee, you start out on probation and are not necessarily eligible for paid leave. If you have a doctor’s appointment or need to go to Veterans’ Affairs, you may have to take unpaid leave. Representative Kristine Reeves (D—Federal Way) wants to remove that requirement and allow those service members, veterans and their spouses, access to the shared leave pool immediately upon employment with the state.

“Imagine having an injury or medical need, received in the service of your country, which requires you to miss out on a paycheck. That is unacceptable. Our service members and veterans should have immediate access to the leave pool so they can get the care they deserve,” said Reeves.

Under the Wounded Warrior Shared Leave Act, agency heads would allow employees who are former or current uniformed service members, and their spouses, access to the uniformed service shared leave pool immediately upon employment.
