OLYMPIA – Under a new law passed by Rep. Kristine Reeves, D-Federal Way, Gold Star family members are eligible for a bit of relief from the high cost of college textbooks.
Signed into law by Governor Inslee, HB 2009 allows family members of armed forces members, veterans, and active duty National Guard members lost or seriously disabled during service to receive a $500 textbook stipend to help cover the cost of books while pursuing higher education.
Gold Star family members can be eligible for a tuition waiver at Washington state schools, but with other costs rising, textbooks can still be a burden that holds back some students. As many of these students have increased costs or other burdens due to one parent being deceased or unable to work due to serious disability, Gold Star families need additional support to ensure college dreams are pursued.
“This is a small, meaningful step in ensuring the family members of lost or seriously injured service members go out and get the education they need to become future community leaders, employers, workers, and entrepreneurs,” said Reeves. “I want to thank all the Gold Star family members for advocating for this law and ensuring the sacrifice of their loved ones is always remembered.”