Nurturing a Sustainable Future through Environment, Education, and Economy

Dear friends and neighbors, 

I hope each of you enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating holiday season, welcoming the New Year with joy! As the 2024 Legislative Session kicks off, the 60-day supplemental sessions move fast—don’t forget to visit my website for the latest! 

Get In Touch!

I am thrilled to be back in Olympia, and I am eager to hear from you! Your participation is vital to our community, and I am grateful for your ongoing feedback. Here are some ways we can stay connected during this legislative session: 

  • Watch: Join me on for live broadcasts featuring debates, votes, committee meetings, and other significant events. 
  • Research: Stay informed by exploring legislation based on lawmakers or topics that resonate with you. Understanding these issues is key to our collective progress. 
  • Learn: Dive into the legislative process from its inception to gain a deeper understanding of how decisions are shaped and executed. 
  • Testify: Your voice is powerful. Whether virtually or in writing, you can continue to testify on legislation during the committee process. Share your insights and personal stories to make a lasting impact. 
  • Get in touch: I am here for you. Reach out to my office via email or call the legislative hotline at 800-562-6000. This year, I am available for both in-person and virtual meetings. To schedule a meeting, please contact my Legislative Assistant, Thalia Corona, at  

get in touch

Here’s a look at my top three legislative priorities this session: economy, education, and environment

Economy: Navigating Tough Roads Together  

I’m reaching out to you with a shared understanding of the economic challenges that many in our community face because, like you, I’ve walked that tough road. I know the real struggles of hardworking families. As your representative, I’m dedicated to ensuring that no one falls through the cracks. 

Being a working mother of two, I intimately know the difficulties of balancing the budget, especially with rising gas and grocery prices. With a background in economic development and experience as a small business owner, I’m ready to collaborate with businesses, state and local governments, and fellow residents to ease the burden of household expenses this legislative session.  

I’m proud of the progressive policies I’ve championed in the past, such as leading the nation in Paid Family Medical Leave and creating a path toward more affordable childcare. These measures are designed to provide tangible support to Washington families during this crisis. But I know that there is so much more work to be done, and that everyone in Washington is feeling the burden of the cost-of-living crisis.  

Rest assured, I’m in this fight every day to ensure our hardworking families not only survive but thrive. 

Education that Works for Everyone 

My personal journey, marked by overcoming childhood adversity and poverty, was made possible by the dedication of teachers and the support of a quality public school system. 

I firmly believe that every student deserves access to a quality public school in their community and educators who can afford to live where they teach. Our goal is to ensure that the next generation is prepared for success. 

We’ve achieved significant milestones, including the largest teacher salary increases in the nation and the most extensive expansion of early childhood education. Moreover, we’ve successfully connected thousands of Washington students with apprenticeships and on-the-job training opportunities, broadening their horizons and enhancing their educational experience. 

One of the ongoing challenges we tackle is ensuring adequate funding for K-12 education. It’s important to emphasize that despite reported shortfalls in every school district, we have not made any cuts. In fact, we proudly stand behind our commitment to fully fund the formula, allocating more dollars to K-12 funding than ever before. This underscores our unwavering dedication to the well-being of our schools and the future of our students. 

I am excited to share that I am currently working on HB 2148, a bill concerning a comparable wage analysis of public school staff compensation. This legislation ensures fair compensation that aligns with comparable occupations in the labor market. 

I am committed to championing our public schools and ensuring that every student has the opportunity to receive an excellent education. 

Environment: Combatting Climate Change 

The challenge of climate change defines our generation and poses threats to our economy and our way of life. As a working mom, I grapple daily with the future my children will inherit in a world impacted by climate change. 

I’m proud of Washington state’s bold leadership in combating this crisis. I sponsored the HEAL Act, pushing for strategies that prioritize environmental justice and direct investments toward vulnerable communities. Our state has made strides with the establishment of the Clean Energy Fund, a $6 billion wind industry, and legislation transitioning us to 100% clean energy. 

This session, Washington State will continue in its leadership role in addressing climate change. This isn’t just about protecting ourselves from the increasing threats of climate-caused natural disasters; it’s about seizing the economic opportunity to become a leader in clean energy jobs and the next generation of economic innovation.

opening day

Thank you for being an important part of our community! I’m looking forward to working for you this session.  



Rep. Kristine Reeves