Giving thanks to our military service members and veterans | November 22, 2017
Thankful for our veterans As Thanksgiving approaches, most of us will be consumed with menu planning, family time, and long afternoons watching football on the couch. My family has those…
Survey reminder, town hall recap, and affordable child care | November 6, 2017
Making child care affordable for all As a working mom, I know how important it is to have affordable quality child care options that allow me to work a full-time…
Multiple ways to connect with your state representative | September 25, 2017
Town Hall on October 21 Please mark your calendars for October 21 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon for a town hall event with myself, Rep. Mike Pellicciotti, and Sen….
Focusing on what matters in our community | August 1, 2017
Getting things done requires compromise In wanting to serve as your state representative, I’ve focused on a stronger education system for our kids, building an economy that works for everyone…
Update on the education plan, budget, and my vote against property taxes | July 11, 2017
Education Funding and the Budget When you sent me to Olympia, I’ve knew that my mission was to focus on several areas important to our district: Fully funding education, Taking…
7 days before a government shutdown | June 23, 2017
What a shutdown means to you For months I’ve told you that Democrats and Republicans must come together to negotiate a budget that fully funds K-12 education. That’s why I’m…
An update on education funding and budget negotiations | May 15, 2017
It’s been over two weeks since Olympia concluded the regular legislative session and began a special session, which was necessary due to the Legislature’s inability to agree on a final…
End of regular session, Sound Transit 3, and Gold Star License Plates | April 19, 2017
Where we stand on education funding in the budget When I came to Olympia, I made it clear that my top priority is fully funding education. That’s why you sent…
Legislative update and a new video on education funding | April 12, 2017
New video: House Democratic Education Funding Proposal As a working mom, I came to Olympia to fully fund education. Two weeks ago, House Democrats proposed a budget that meets the…
ST3 car tab relief, a budget that fully funds education, and veteran bills in the Senate | March 27, 2017
Pushing to put real money back in your pockets I have heard from so many of you about Sound Transit and the increase in your car tab taxes. What became…