Statement on the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina

The following is a joint statement from the Members of Color Caucus of Washington state in response to the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina.

“The Members of Color Caucus of Washington state express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims from Wednesday night’s shooting in Charleston, S.C. Our hearts grieve for the families of the Reverend Clementa Pinckney, a State Senator in the South Carolina Legislature, and the other eight victims of this senseless tragedy. Although the span of a great nation separates Washington state from South Carolina, we stand indivisible in mourning the loss of these precious lives. We urge all of our communities across Washington state to keep the people of Charleston in your thoughts and prayers.

“We also stand in solidarity against hate crimes. This massacre is a brazen reminder that we must battle more than simply gun violence: we must vigilantly battle racism. Last year, more than 3,400 people were victims of a racially motivated hate crime. We simply cannot close our eyes to the poison of bigotry and racism, whether overt or institutionalized, that persists throughout the United States.

“Tomorrow, our anguish and sorrow about Charleston must reignite America’s commitment to rid our country and our communities of this toxic virus in our society. Today, we join with heavy hearts the millions of Americans who are praying for peace and for healing in Charleston.”


The Washington State Members of Color Caucus

Rep. Mia Gregerson

Rep. Jeff Morris

Rep. Luis Moscoso

Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self

Rep. Eric Pettigrew

Rep. Cindy Ryu

Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos

Rep. Brady Walkinshaw

Sen. Cyrus Habib

Sen. Bob Hasegawa

Sen. Steve Hobbs

Sen. Pramila Jayapal

Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe

Sen. John McCoy


Contact information:

Andy McVicar, 360-786-7215 or