Reps. Kagi and Ryu respond to major fire at Fircrest facility

Reps. Kagi and Ryu respond to major fire at Fircrest facility

Statement by Rep. Ruth Kagi (D-32nd District)

“This morning there was a substantial fire at Fircrest. Fircrest is a vital part of our community and performs critical work taking care of individuals with serious developmental disabilities from around the state.

“We have consulted with the Department of Social and Human Services about the safety of clients and staff at Fircrest, damage caused by this fire, and what happens next.

“The Department has assured us that there is a plan for continuing operations in the short term and will work to address the fire damage in the long term.

“We will continue to work, as lawmakers and representatives of the district, to make sure that the people at Fircrest won’t see a disruption in their care.

“I appreciate that the staff at Fircrest and firefighters responded quickly and safely evacuated very vulnerable clients.”


Statement by Rep. Cindy Ryu (D-32nd District)

“This was a serious fire—and the response by Fircrest staff and firefighters to safely evacuate everyone was seriously heroic.

“If this building is a total loss, it needs to be rebuilt or its function restored elsewhere. Additionally, we need to address ongoing infrastructure problems at Fircrest. That would require funding in the state capital budget and we will work together for one that funds construction projects for Residential Habilitation Centers like Fircrest, schools, colleges, parks, community services, and the environment around the state.

“I want to thank the staff and firefighters for their stellar efforts in the face of what could have been a terrible tragedy and ask for community support during these difficult times for Fircrest staff and clients.”