Virtual Town Hall Feb. 16 and other legislative updates

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Please join your 32nd Legislative District delegation—Sen. Jesse Salomon, Rep. Lauren Davis, and me—for a virtual town hall on Wednesday, February 16 at 6pm. This is an important chance for us to hear about the issues that are important to you, and to answer your questions and concerns about the legislative session.

I hope you can join us!

32nd vth

Keep reading for more updates on the legislative session.

Thanks for taking the time to read this update,

Ryu signature

Video update: catalytic converter theft and broadband infrastructure


Experience the state of Washington

In 2018, the legislature passed SB 5251 to allow for a public-private partnership to re-start a statewide tourism marketing program, seven years after our state’s tourism office closed due to a lack of funding. I serve on the Washington Tourism Marketing Authority, created by our 2018 legislation, and I also co-lead the Outdoor Recreation Caucus. This year, in the Community and Economic Development Committee, we received an update on the hard work State of Washington Tourism has been doing to promote our state in the nation and world.

Our new tourism marketing campaign will attract tourists from out of state and encourage in-state travel to spur the economy. It’s no secret that tourism was one of the hardest hit sectors in the pandemic and is one of the slowest to recover. Yet tourism can provide a jumpstart to local economies, particularly in rural areas. It can mean business for the small-town bakeries and gifts shops, and jobs for tour guides and musicians. It also makes Washington state a more desirable place to live, work, and raise our families.

If you’re planning a trip in Washington state or urging some family members to get out to the Pacific Northwest, check out the State of Washington Tourism’s website.

tourism video

Supporting working families and small businesses with a one-time holiday from sales tax

The pandemic has put enormous financial strain on so many families. Hard-working Washingtonians and small businesses need our help right now. I’m supporting legislation this year to create a 3-day holiday from sales tax over Labor Day weekend in 2022. This is one tangible thing we can do to give people a break and strengthen our local communities as our students go back to school this fall.