
House unanimously approves Ryu bill to expand opportunities in cosmetology

OLYMPIA—The state House of Representatives today unanimously agreed with state Rep. Cindy Ryu that online learning opportunities would greatly expand college and job opportunities for Washingtonians who are considering careers... READ MORE

Ryu bill to save traveler-rescue services passes House unanimously

OLYMPIA—When travelers are stricken by serious injuries, earthquakes or threats to their safety from volatile political situations overseas, they often turn to companies like Global Rescue for help that can... READ MORE

Ryu calls for annual Patient Safety Day observance

OLYMPIA—In an effort to highlight awareness of medical errors and health-care caused infections that kill nearly 100,000 Americans annually, state Rep. Cindy Ryu (D-Shoreline) wants to establish an annual Patient... READ MORE

Rep. Cindy Ryu’s “Reaching for the American Dream” video makes White House top 20

OLYMPIA—When the White House asked Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to tell their stories in a nationwide video challenge, state Rep. Cindy Ryu (D-Shoreline) wanted to share her experiences as... READ MORE

Ryu nets appointment to key trade policy committee

OLYMPIA—State Rep. Cindy Ryu has won an appointment to the special joint House and Senate committee that oversees trade policy for the Washington State Legislature. Ryu, who represents the 32nd... READ MORE