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Childcare Advocacy from Washington to Washington!

Hi all,  

I hope you’ve been savoring the summer with family, friends, and delicious food! While I’ve been enjoying this season with my fair share of relaxation and fun, I’ve also been hard at work. Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to recently:  

Advocating for Childcare at the White House!  

I’m thrilled to share that on July 19, I had the immense privilege of participating in the prestigious White House States Convening on Child Care. 

As many of you know, I’ve been deeply committed to advancing childcare policies in Washington state, and this White House invitation is a humbling recognition of our collective efforts. Alongside 90 legislators from across the nation, I engaged in fruitful discussions with senior White House officials on crucial topics like childcare access, affordability, and workforce. 

It was truly an honor to be there, surrounded by like-minded individuals who share our passion for childcare. The best part? We didn’t have to waste time discussing “why” childcare matters; instead, we could dive right into the “how” of implementing effective policies. 

white house

From left to right: myself, Sen. Claire Wilson, Rep. Lisa Callan, and US Sen. Patty Murray during a private meeting following the White House States Convening on Child Care

As the Chair of the Human Services, Youth, and Early Learning Committee, I take great pride in my contributions to childcare policies. The Fair Start for Kids Act, a transformative law we passed in 2021, has already made a positive impact on childcare and families throughout our state. And this year, I am proud to have sponsored House Bill 1199, which ensures that HOA’s cannot ban childcare, opening up more local options for families in need.

Investing in a fair start for every child and providing quality childcare and early supports are not only essential for the well-being of our kids and families but also for the prosperity of our communities, businesses, and our entire nation. I am genuinely excited about the opportunities to collaborate with my fellow legislators, the Biden Administration and Senator Patty Murray to advance effective childcare policies and investments that treat childcare as the critical public good it truly is.

I was also joined at the White House by my esteemed colleagues, Washington State Representative Lisa Callan and Senator Claire Wilson. Together, we represented Washington’s dedication to and passion for the cause of childcare.

You can read more in the Mercer Island Reporter article, “Rep. Senn heads to D.C. for child care conference.

Bringing the Childcare Conversation Local

The local efforts to expand access to childcare are at full speed in Washington state too.

A Visit to Kindering

I recently visited Kindering, an exceptional organization based in Bellevue that provides critical early intervention services to children with special needs and their families. Witnessing their nurturing and inclusive environment reaffirmed my commitment to ensuring accessible and quality early childhood supports for each and every child. I was thrilled to help increase funding for these early intervention services this year.


With Executive Director Lisa Greenwald at Kindering

Business Bus Tour for Child Care

The intersection between childcare and the economy became critically obvious during the pandemic and only served to fuel the Association of Washington Business’ commitment to expanding access to high-quality childcare across the state. In fact, together with the Children’s Campaign Fund, they have launched LEAP (Legislator Education & Action Project) that just completed a 5-day bus tour around the state visiting childcare and talking about its importance with Chambers of Commerce and business across our state.


The LEAP bus outside the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce meeting that I attended on the first day of the bus tour.

Thank you so much for reading—I hope you have a wonderful rest of the summer!


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Rep. Tana Senn