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That’s a wrap on the 2022 session


We wrapped up the 2022 Legislative Session last week by passing funding for local transportation projects, schools, housing, small businesses and much more. These investments will do great things in our community, and I’m proud to have voted yes.

Working on the House floor on International Women’s Day. It’s an honor to fight alongside these trailblazers for a more equal, just future for women and girls.

Local transportation projects throughout our region

We passed transportation legislation that bring much-needed funding to our state — without raising the gas tax — to invest in a more accessible, reliable and green transportation system. We focused on preservation and maintenance, multi-modal transportation, fish culverts and projects. In fact, there are many critical investments right here in the 41st Legislative District, including:

  • Widening I-405/Renton to Bellevue and I-405/I-90 to SE 8th St.
  • I-90/Eastgate to SR 900 improvements to boost capacity and mobility
  • Repurposing the Wilburton Trestle rail bridge in Bellevue into a trail
  • Closing the “Bellevue Gap” in the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trail
  • Making improvements to Issaquah-Fall City Road to reduce congestion
  • Totem Lake/Kirkland to Bellevue/Eastgate public transit improvements

The House and Senate also passed HB 1990 to defer sales and use taxes on projects to help improve the I-405/SR 167 corridor. Next stop: the governor’s desk!

Funding for schools, housing, small businesses and more

As session came to a close, we passed our state’s operating budget focused on continued pandemic recovery, supporting struggling families, boosting small businesses, bolstering our schools and child care and increasing access to health care, especially mental health! More specifically, this budget provides:

Children, Youth & Families

  • $91 million to hire more school counselors, nurses, psychologists and social workers
  • $44 million for greater access to free school lunches
  • $58 million for supporting foster youth and their families
  • $100 million to expand and support child care and preschool

Housing & Homelessness

  • $160 million to increase utility assistance and $45 million for rental assistance
  • $45 million to fund services for homeless individuals living in public areas
  • $1 billion to the capital budget for housing needs

Small Businesses & Economic Development

  • An increased B&O tax credit for 70% of small business and $39 million in grants to local chambers of commerce, main streets and other organizations to help meet community economic needs
  • $100 million in assistance for hardest hit restaurants and other hospitality businesses
  • $12 million in film tax incentives and $25 million in assistance for arts, heritage and cultural organizations

Higher Education*

  • $150 million to create a state student loan program to offer higher education loans to undergraduate and graduate students at a 1% interest rate
  • $37 million to increase nurse education opportunities and tuition assistance
  • $49 million for cybersecurity, digital literacy and cyber workforce development
  • $34 million to expand the Washington College Grant and offer bridge grants

*You may have also heard that we passed a critical bill to prevent hazing on college campuses. Jolayne Houtz and Hector Martinez of Bellevue lost their son Sam when he died from a hazing incident at Washington State University. This legislation, HB 1751, will help ensure no more families in our state face this tragedy. Our institutions of higher learning will be safer and more welcoming places because Jolayne and Hector turned their grief into action.

I shared a moving moment with Jolayne and Hector as the Senate unanimously passed HB 1751. This vital bill is now headed to the governor’s desk.

A Few Miscellaneous Items

  • $74 million for refugee assistance
  • $51 million in increased rates for behavioral health care providers
  • $14 million for individuals with developmental disabilities to access both employment and community services

And so much more!

Thanks for tuning in to our virtual town hall!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to join our virtual town hall last night! If you were not able to attend, you can watch the whole event at this link.

While session is now completed for 2022, I would still love to hear from you. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, ideas or concerns.

Take care,

Tana Senn