Email updates

Acting on gun violence and serving our vulnerable youth

Friends and neighbors,

In the first few weeks of session I have been focused on responsible gun legislation, as well as bills that confront our child care crisis and ensure homeless youth receive critical services.

Already, we’re making headway. On Thursday my bill, House Bill 1010 passed 56 to 42 to give the Washington State Patrol the discretion to destroy forfeited firearms in their custody. It’s past time for us to give the Washington State Patrol the authority they’re asking for to keep our communities safe. The mass shooting in downtown Seattle this week was a tragic reminder of why we need responsible gun policies. As a mom and as a state representative, I want to be able to sleep at night knowing I’ve done everything I can to protect our families. You can read more about it in US News and World Report.


My legislative priorities

For more on my work here in Olympia, watch the video below!


Thanks for following along! You can always follow me on Facebook for more information and updates.

All the best,


Tana Senn