
Welcome to my official legislative website. Here you’ll find:

  • Links to my E-newsletters describing my work on key priorities
  • News coverage of some of my work (note during election year, no news or other updates are allowed to be posted after May 6)
  • A link to all the bills I have prime sponsored or co-sponsored
  • Details on events such as townhalls and coffee chats I’m holding
  • A short biography
  • Link to the 10th Legislative District map

I want to be accessible to you, so please don’t hesitate to contact my office with your questions, comments, and concerns.

It is an honor to serve the people of the 10th District.


State Representative Clyde Shavers

2024 End-of-Session Newsletter

After the 2024 session, I sent out an update highlighting my work on issues. Scroll to read more below.




Click on the image above or here to learn more about work I’m doing to support local service organizations.

Additional Videos: