E-newsletter: Join us for the 48th District Town Hall!

Join us for the 48th District Town Hall this weekend!

Please come to the town hall I am hosting with Rep. Joan McBride and Sen. Patty Kuderer this Saturday, March 11th. The town hall will start at 10:30 AM and we’ll be discussing issues of importance down in Olympia and across our state and answering questions from you! We will be at Redmond City Hall in the City Council Chambers.

Floor Action

If you had stopped by or called my office this week, you would likely have heard that I was “on the floor.”

After bills pass out of committee, they still need to be voted on by the full House to continue moving through the legislative process. As we approach the deadline for passing bills out of the House, representatives are spending most of our time in the House chamber debating and voting on bills.

The floor activity report is a great place to see what is going on right this minute. You can look at the floor and suspension calendars to see what bills are coming up soon or what bills we passed.

Another great way to tune into floor action is by watching it on TVW. In addition to the TVW channel on your television, you can stream video online from the House and Senate floors, committee hearings, and other interesting public policy events. There is even an archive of footage going back to TVW’s earliest days.

Update on My Bills

During last week’s floor action, three of my bills were voted on. All three bills were passed by the House and are on their way to be considered by the Senate!

HB 1431 improves resources for the Board of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. HB 1741 provides better information collection to improve teacher prep programs, because all kids deserve a great teacher. HB 1630 allows for homeless minors to consent to provide their information, helping to get the right resources where they are truly needed.

Great opportunity for young people to see their government in action

Thank you to Charlotte Kommini, a young woman from the 48th who recently served as a page! Charlotte is the daughter of Aimee and Satya Kommini of Redmond and attends Lake Washington High School.

Our Page program offers 14-, 15- and 16-year-olds from across the state a hands-on experience in government. If you know a young person who is interested in this opportunity, click here to learn more.

Thank you for continuing to share your questions, comments and concerns. I look forward to hearing from you!

Many thanks for all you do,

Rep. Vandana Slatter