Statement from Rep. Vandana Slatter condemning shooting in Kansas

State Rep. Vandana Slatter (D—Bellevue) issued the following statement in response to the shooting in Olathe, Kansas that led to the death of Srinivas Kuchibhotla and injured Alok Madasani and Ian Grillot:

“I strongly condemn the shooting that occurred in Olathe, Kansas last week. I am shocked and saddened by the tragic news and offer my deepest condolences to the family, friends and co-workers of Mr. Kuchibhotla. I am also hopeful for the continual recovery of Mr. Madasani and Mr. Grillot.

“In a time when hateful rhetoric and acts of violence against immigrants and minorities have become all too common, the brave actions of Mr. Grillot, who stood up to the shooter, remind us that across the nation we must all stand together against such hateful and divisive acts.

“This weekend I will be attending a vigil, where people will gather in peace to honor Mr. Kuchibhotla and stand together in solidarity.

“Now is not the time for lawmakers, from local government to the federal level, to sit on the sidelines. That is why this week I voted to pass HB 2097, which restricts business and public sector entities from collecting and sharing religious affiliation information in Washington state. As an Indian American, I will continue to work with my colleagues to support legislation that protects the rights of all, no matter their race, religion, orientation, or country of origin. Here in Washington state we will uphold the promise of our nation and ensure that hate has no place in our communities.”