Video Update, Offshore Wind Research, and Kirkland Corridor!

Dear friends and neighbors,

Things are moving fast this legislative session as we work on important policy ideas for our communities. Read on for a video update, my bill to direct an offshore wind study, investments in the Cross Kirkland Corridor, and an upcoming expansion to Apple Health!

Community Update on the 2024 Legislative Session

Tune in to my video for some insights into the ongoing legislative session. From addressing recent challenges to discussing important housing policy bills, here’s a peak into the progress we’re making. Learn about transit-oriented development bills, and how they aim to enhance housing affordability. Your input matters – share your thoughts and stay engaged in our community’s journey!


Offshore Wind and Its Impacts

I’m excited to share important news about a bill I sponsored, House Bill 2341. This legislation directs the University of Washington School of Oceanography to study how offshore wind development might impact our Pacific Ocean.

Here’s why it matters:

The study will look at both positive and negative effects of offshore wind development on ocean processes like tides, waves, and currents. We want to understand how these changes could affect our marine ecosystem.

Key areas the study will cover:

  • The impact of full offshore wind development on ocean upwelling.
  • How offshore wind turbines might attract or repel fish and marine life.
  • Physical effects like water cloudiness, noise, vibrations, and disruptions to electromagnetic fields during wind turbine construction and operation.

The University of Washington testified in favor of the bill and said that it would be easy for them to make this research happen.

I believe understanding these impacts is vital for our community’s future. Follow along here for updates on the bill!


Investing in Our Community

The Cross Kirkland Corridor (CKC), a 5.75-mile corridor weaving through the heart of Kirkland, represents the first improved section of the Eastside Rail Corridor, now known as Eastrail. It’s a vital part of our regional network, connecting trails, transit, and regional utilities.

Recognizing the importance of this community asset, I’m excited to let you know that I’ve submitted a request to the Capital Budget for a repair project on the CKC Interim Trail. Our goal is to address crosswalk safety on Slater Avenue ensuring the trail remains safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Investing in the maintenance and improvement of our local trails not only enhances our quality of life but also promotes a healthier and more connected community. As we await the budget decision, I’ll keep you updated on the progress of this request.

Apple Health Expansion Coming Soon!

Everyone deserves access to health care, but in America, immigration status can lead to lack of coverage because of lack of income and inability to use federal assistance programs, like Medicaid. Here in Washington state, we believe that no one should be denied coverage because of their immigration status and that we all benefit when every person in Washington can access the care they need.

I am so excited that Apple Health Expansion is coming this summer. The Legislature passed a budget that funded a medical assistance program that expands Apple Health to people who otherwise wouldn’t qualify due to immigration status. This is good for everyone and every community in Washington.

Expansion begins this summer, and you’ll start to see opportunities to sign up in the spring. Check back on the Health Care Authority website by clicking here where new information is posted and you can sign up for email updates.

I am proud we have invested in ways we can make Washington state more equitable and provided access and opportunity for communities that have been historically excluded.


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Thank you so much for reading!

Best wishes,

Springer Signature

State Representative Larry Springer
45th Legislative District