Are you saving for retirement?
This week, at the public hearing for HB 2474, the retirement savings bill, Rep. Springer said, “It’s safe to say this is a bold undertaking, but to deal with a...
Children’s Day!
Children’s Day is one of the most fun days of the legislative session! Children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren of representatives and staff are welcome on the House Floor for a...
Rep. Springer is open for the people’s business!
Yesterday, the 2014 legislative session began. Today, Rep. Springer held his first business stakeholder meeting of the session! Each week, Rep. Springer brings together a wide variety of stakeholders, from...
Transportation talks…moving!
Having a 21st century transportation system benefits everyone in Washington. I know it, and the people of Washington know it. I’ve heard repeatedly from moms, dads, workers, students, senior citizens...
Smart, Effective Legislation
Ever wonder how our state knows which programs are saving taxpayers money and which ones are ineffective? How we know whether domestic violence offender treatment works or if smaller class...
45th district representatives host telephone town hall
Last Wednesday, Representatives Larry Springer and Roger Goodman hosted a special session telephone town hall for their constituents. For an hour, the 45th District Legislators heard from many constituents on...
Special times often call for Special Sessions
But a little history first. The Legislature finished on time without a special session in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and even 2009 at the beginning of the worst...
The truth about taxes in Washington
Urban legends abound about any number of things, like the idea there is more nutritional value in the wrapper then there actually is in the Twinkie it wrapped. While that...
Bill to Aid Local Governments in Buying Local Passes House
Legislation sponsored by Representative Larry Springer (D-Kirkland) that would ease restrictions on local government purchasing practices passed out of the House of Representatives on Wednesday afternoon. “This legislation helps cities...
Rep. Springer Introduces Local Government Efficiency Legislation
With local governments across the state struggling with budget woes, Rep. Larry Springer, D-Kirkland, is pushing a new set of bipartisan bills designed to streamline local government operations. “These efficiencies...