Washington State House Democrats


Tuesday, Oct. 12

More than 90% of state employees vaccinated against COVID-19 in Washington Nearly 92% of Washington state employees have proven they have received the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the latest data… READ MORE

Monday, Oct. 11

Inside the exhausting start to Washington’s school year: COVID outbreaks, school-bus cuts and more The chicken nuggets come with a side of Pacific Northwest breeze at Hazel Valley Elementary School… READ MORE

Friday, October 8

We can’t mask the virus of gun violence plaguing our communities My life was changed forever on Jan. 8, 2011, in a grocery store parking lot when I got the… READ MORE

Thursday, Oct. 7

COVID deaths leave thousands of U.S. kids grieving parents or primary caregivers Of all the sad statistics the U.S. has dealt with this past year and a half, here is… READ MORE

Wednesday, Oct. 6

Thousands of Washington home-care workers, represented by SEIU 775, remain exempt from Gov. Inslee’s vaccine mandate The sweeping vaccination mandate issued by Gov. Jay Inslee demands that hundreds of thousands… READ MORE