Washington State House Democrats


Thursday, Mar. 22

Print Associated Press Benton-Franklin County judges sue clerk to keep paper files Fire damages Bellevue mosque for second time Gov. Jay Inslee signs bill protecting students’ free speech Gov. Jay… READ MORE

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

PRINT AP Off the sideline: Students, women, teachers embrace activism Head of technical college in Tacoma fired Aberdeen Daily World Wheels of justice turning slowly in massive poaching cases Bainbridge… READ MORE

Tuesday, Mar. 20

Print Associated Press Republicans opt to wait out Trump’s storm against Mueller Inslee signs legislation to pre-register some teens, allow same-day voter registration Washington governor signs package of voter access… READ MORE

Monday, Mar. 19

Print Associated Press Washington city to revisit ban on pit bull terriers  Washington state initiative aims to ban local soda taxes  Inslee questions whether Canadian pipeline should expand US demands… READ MORE

Friday, Mar. 16

Print Associated Press House to try again on bill easing use of unapproved drugs Head of employment agency resigns after workplace report Immigrant activist says deportation action is political Seattle… READ MORE