Governor signs Callan bill to help youth facing homelessness acquire state identicards

OLYMPIA—On March 25, Governor Inslee signed a bill to assist youth experiencing homelessness acquire Washington state identicards. House Bill 2607, sponsored by Rep. Lisa Callan, provides a pathway for Washington youth up to age 25 to obtain at-cost identicards cards using documentation more readily available to individuals experiencing homelessness. It will also allow certain individuals serving youth to submit identicard application materials to the Department of Licensing on the youth’s behalf.

“Many of our neighbors, including a significant number of our youth, are facing major challenges in finding stable living situations,” said Callan. “Making it is easier for our youth facing homelessness to obtain a Washington state identicard is a key step in removing obstacles to help them find housing and work.”

This bill had bipartisan support, passing the House with a vote of 87-11 and the Senate with a vote of 48-1.