
  • Shaping the future to match our dreams | January 18, 2022

    Dear neighbors, Last month, I asked you how you wanted to live and work, and many of you answered a four-question survey to share your thoughts and dreams.   This week, I’d… READ MORE

  • How do you want to live and work? | November 29, 2021

    It’s time to rethink things and ask ourselves if there’s a better way.  Because we’re being crushed by rising pressures on multiple fronts: The skyrocketing costs of housing and homelessness.  … READ MORE

  • New laws and budgets that made history | May 10, 2021

    Dear neighbors,  At the start of the 2021 legislative session, we made it a goal to work on four big issues:  COVID-19 response  Economic recovery Equity and police reform  Climate change  That… READ MORE

  • Statement on violence against Asian Americans  | May 5, 2021

    We don’t yet know all the facts about the latest case, what we do know is that xenophobic violence against Asians and Asian Americans is not new. As we see cases on the rise during the pandemic, we must take action to keep everyone safe… READ MORE