
  • Shaping the future to match our dreams | January 18, 2022

    Dear neighbors, Last month, I asked you how you wanted to live and work, and many of you answered a four-question survey to share your thoughts and dreams.   This week, I’d… READ MORE

  • How do you want to live and work? | November 29, 2021

    It’s time to rethink things and ask ourselves if there’s a better way.  Because we’re being crushed by rising pressures on multiple fronts: The skyrocketing costs of housing and homelessness.  … READ MORE

  • New laws and budgets that made history | May 10, 2021

    Dear neighbors,  At the start of the 2021 legislative session, we made it a goal to work on four big issues:  COVID-19 response  Economic recovery Equity and police reform  Climate change  That… READ MORE