Wrapping up the session: support for students and families in WA

Dear friends and neighbors,  

As we approach sine die, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the progress we’ve made and the work that still needs to be done. It has been an honor to represent you and to work alongside my colleagues to pass meaningful legislation that will improve the lives of Washingtonians. I am proud of what we have accomplished so far and excited to see what else we can achieve. Thank you for your continued support and engagement in this important work.  

Exciting news: re-appointment to the

Renton Technical College Board 

I am honored to have been appointed and confirmed by Governor Inslee to serve as a trustee on the Renton Technical College board. As someone who went back to school later in life to continue my educational journey, I understand the importance of having access to high-quality technical and vocational education. I am passionate about ensuring that all students, regardless of their background or circumstances, have the tools they need to succeed. My nontraditional background has instilled in me a deep appreciation for the value of education and the transformative power it can have on individuals and communities. I am committed to serving the Renton Technical College community and working to expand educational opportunities throughout the state of Washington.  


Breaking down barriers: empowering students through the Student Basic Needs Act

I am proud to share with you the news that House Bill 1559, which I sponsored, passed in the Senate.  This bill, titled the Student Basic Needs Act, aims to remove barriers to educational opportunity for students in Washington by ensuring that their basic needs are met.

In 2020, the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) reported that six out of 10 community or technical college students in Washington State experienced hunger or housing insecurity in the previous year, despite being employed. This issue affects students of all backgrounds, but students of color, students identifying as LGBTQ, and students with histories of foster care and incarceration are disproportionately represented in the study.

It is clear that students who are hungry or experiencing housing insecurity have a harder time focusing on their studies. That is why the Student Basic Needs Act is so important. The bill implements Student Basic Needs task forces in higher education institutions, requiring them to develop Hunger-Free Campus Strategic Plans. In each plan, the task force must analyze gaps in student needs, design a Benefits Resource Hub, provide access to a campus food pantry, create and update methods to identify food-insecure students, and provide reports to detail the findings.

Students need access to basic needs such as food, water, nutrition, shelter, clothing, physical healthcare, and mental healthcare. These needs should not create barriers to education for anyone in Washington. I believe that expanding educational opportunity and breaking down prohibitive barriers for our students is a critical step towards a more equitable and just society.

Thank you for your continued support for this important initiative.

Support for working families

Many working families in Washington are on the brink of catastrophe, and expanding the Working Families Tax Credit will put money back in the pockets of Washingtonians who need it the most, hopefully granting some financial security. Black and Indigenous Washingtonians, as well as other communities of color, are disproportionately experiencing economic challenges, and we are committed to addressing these disparities.

I am proud to stand with my colleagues in support of the Working Families Tax Credit. While I introduced this legislation my first session, this was a multi-year effort of collaboration to ensure this important legislation’s passage.

This year, House Bill 1477 modifies the Working Families Tax Credit, expanding assistance to more individuals in need. The Working Families Tax Credit is a new program that provides payments of up to $1,200 to low-to-moderate income individuals and families based on income level and the number of qualifying children. This program is stimulating local economies, promoting racial equity, and providing the financial stability Washington families need right now.

Advocates for change at State Legislature

Recently, the Black Student Union (BSU) from Rainier Beach High School had the opportunity to visit the State Legislature in Olympia. The students were able to meet with lawmakers and discuss issues that are important to them, such as education equity and criminal justice reform. This visit provided a valuable learning experience for the students, giving them firsthand insight into the workings of state government and how they can use their voices to make a difference. The BSU’s engagement with the legislative process is a positive example of young people taking an active role in shaping their communities and advocating for change.


Song of the week: Love’s In Need of Love Today

“Love’s In Need of Love Today” by Stevie Wonder emphasizes the importance of love and unity to overcome societal issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination. This message aligns with our legislative efforts this session: by providing financial support for low-to-moderate-income families and ensuring students have access to basic needs like food and shelter, these policies aim to promote equity and address systemic barriers to success. The song’s call to action to “join together” and “take a stand” echoes the collaborative efforts of lawmakers and advocates to create a more just and equitable society.

As we enter the final stretch of the legislative session, I want to remind you that your engagement and advocacy are critical to our success. We still have important work to do, and I remain committed to fighting for the issues that matter most to our community. I encourage you to stay tuned for updates on our progress and to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns. Stay tuned for information about an interim in-person town hall, where we can continue our dialogue and discuss the issues that matter to you most!

Thank you again for your support, and let’s continue to work together to build a brighter future for all Washingtonians.


Entenman SIgnature

Rep. Debra Entenman