Impacting Kids & Education Across Our State

Dear Friends and Neighbors,   It’s the tenth week of the legislative session–and it’s been so wonderful operating in-person and interacting with so many of you face-to-face. One of the most… READ MORE

Welcome to the 2023 Legislative Session!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,   Monday, January 9th marked the start of the 2023 Legislative Session, and I am honored to return as your 47th Legislative District representative. This year, I… READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Election Year Freeze During an election year, there are certain restrictions on my communications to prevent the use of state resources for election purposes. These restrictions include a freeze on… READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Save the Date: Post Session Virtual Town Hall Join me next Wednesday, April 6th for a 47th District Virtual Town Hall. The town hall will be streamed live on my legislative… READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Standing with Our Ukrainian-American Neighbors Washington is home to over 50,000 Ukrainian-Americans, many of whom call the 47th District home. I hope that you will join with me as I… READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

Honoring our Past During Black History Month Black leaders have led the way to create a more just future that meets the needs of all Washingtonians, especially our Black neighbors…. READ MORE

Rep. Entenman’s Legislative Update

What is the Landslide Risk in Your Neighborhood? Washington state recently endured record rainfalls, leading to floods—and now there’s a risk of landslides, given the saturated soil. One slide destroyed a… READ MORE