Emails from Debra

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WA College Grant & Important Update

WA College Grant Information

Revolutionizing access to higher education for every Washingtonian, the WA College Grant guarantees free college at a public college in our state for anyone in a family earning less than $79k per year for a family of four. Any family of four earning under $120k per year qualifies for a partial award. This ground-breaking initiative not only tears down the financial barriers to higher education but also champions the principle that a college education should be a right, not a privilege, for every student in Washington. 

Learn more about the WA College Grant: 

Important Announcement: E-Newsletter and Facebook Freeze

Dear friends and neighbors,

Thank you for another incredible session! We’ve achieved significant milestones that will greatly benefit our community and state this year, and I’m deeply grateful for your continued support, engagement, and trust as I serve our community.

Over the interim period, I want to ensure that you stay informed about legislative matters that affect our community. However, please be aware that due to election year restrictions, this will be the final E-Newsletter I can send until after the election is certified in November 2024.

Additionally, I want to inform you that there will be a freeze on my legislative Facebook page starting May 6, 2024, until after the general election in November. This means that the page will not be updated during this time, and comments cannot be accepted as per the guidelines set by the Legislative Ethics Board.

For those who have questions, comments, or would like to meet, please know that my office remains available and accessible. You can reach out directly, and I will do my best to address your concerns and inquiries promptly.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Your engagement and involvement in our community are invaluable, and I look forward to continuing to serve you effectively.

Wishing you a wonderful summer!


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