Emails from Debra

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Welcome to the 2023 Legislative Session!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,  

Monday, January 9th marked the start of the 2023 Legislative Session, and I am honored to return as your 47th Legislative District representative. This year, I was elected Vice Chair of the Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee, and will additionally serve on the Transportation, Civil Rights & Judiciary, and Housing Committees. 

I am proud of the impactful work the State Legislature has accomplished over the last few years, especially in the face of great challenge. We worked hard on economic development, transportation investments, environmental protection, public school funding, and behavioral health programs to support our community. In 2022, I strengthened assistance available to victims of human trafficking, and in 2021 I introduced legislation to establish an Office of Independent Investigations to conduct thorough, independent, and rigorous investigations into uses of deadly force by law enforcement.  

I am honored to return and to continue serving the public. I will continue working to better provide communities throughout Washington with opportunities for equity, justice, and support.  

Here are some ways to stay in touch and engaged:

One of my greatest legislative priorities is to continue to serve our community. Your feedback, advocacy, ideas, and stories are very important to me and help to inform the work that I do.  

For the first session since 2020, my colleagues and I will be working in-person, in Olympia. While this restores our opportunities to connect face-to-face, the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us new ways to communicate with one another and make democracy more accessible. This year, the legislature will continue to accommodate virtual participation, but will also provide the opportunity to connect in-person. 

Here are some ways to stay engaged:  

  • Watch broadcasts all the debates and votes that happen in the House and Senate, along with committee meetings and other events you may be interested in. You can watch live or access recorded content. 
  • Research Look up legislation by lawmaker or by topic. 
  • Learn Learn about the legislative process, from start to finish. 
  • Testify Committee testimony will continue to have a virtual option, so instead of driving to Olympia to weigh in on legislation during the committee process, you can continue to do so from home. Written testimony is also an option, and you can always share your story with me. Learn more about how to testify.  
  • Get in touch — You can reach my office by email at, or are welcome to call the legislative hotline number (toll free 800-562-6000). This year, we will accommodate in-person and virtual meetings. To schedule a meeting, please contact my Legislative Assistant, Meynuna Abdalla, at 

Serve as a Legislative Page!

The Washington State Legislature has one of the best Legislative Page programs in the country. Because we are operating in-person again, this program is open to youth ages 14-18. I encourage anyone interested to apply. 

Pages contribute to the efficient operation of the legislature, receive daily civics instruction, draft their own bills, and participate in mock committee hearings. They also earn a stiped of $50 a day and can also earn up to 20 hours of community service.  

To help lower-income families participate in the program, the House of Representatives created the Gina Grant Bull Scholarship; check out the FAQ page to see if you can apply. 

Taking part in the page program is a great opportunity for young people to gain a unique perspective of the legislative process. If you have a teen who could benefit from this experience, I encourage you to consider sending them to Olympia for a week.  

For more information, please visit the House Page Program website. 

It is an honor to continue to represent the 47th Legislative District. I look forward to hearing your stories, priorities, advocacy, and feedback throughout the 2023 Legislative Session—please don’t hesitate to send me an email or give us a call at (360) 786-7918. 


Rep. Debra Entenman