Statement by House Transportation Chair Jake Fey on the governor’s transportation budget proposal

How do we cut $454 million in transportation spending without harming vital services? That’s the question Gov. Inslee’s transportation proposal tries to answer in the aftermath of Initiative 976.

I appreciate the difficulty the governor had in putting this together. No rational leader wants to make deep cuts to transportation while our state’s population is booming. Project delays and cuts to mass transit will send us in the wrong direction when there are so many unmet needs right now in every part of our state.

We need to do more—not less—to help people get where they need to go, whether it’s by car or train, bus or ferry.

I’ll carefully examine this proposal as a starting point as we work with Republicans and Democrats, in the House and Senate, to pass a balanced transportation budget that keeps Washington moving.

-Rep. Jake Fey (D-Tacoma)

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